
Employee Appreciation Day: Why Does It Matter?

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

What is it?


Doesn’t it make you smile every time you hear a word of appreciation for your work? Knowing that you did a good job is satisfying by itself, but it always helps to know you are appreciated! This effort is celebrated every year to spread the well-deserved gratitude to all employees! 

Why does this day matter?


A company is built on a foundation of people working together towards a positive outcome. Every person involved with the company plays an intricate role in its success. Every single person is part of the team that makes the company what it is, therefore, everyone is valued.

This day is chosen to celebrate the unity of the team you are a part of, and to remind you that you and what you do matters! It is a chance to form genuine bonds with the people you share one goal with! 

This day does not only involve people in positions higher than yours, it involves you too! It is a chance for you to express your gratitude to everyone who has ever worked with you. Your teammates help you step forward everyday you work, so this day reminds you to take a minute to reflect and thank them! 

How did WGQ celebrate it? 


At WGQ, we know the importance of teamwork, and we take intricate care in making sure our team members know it too! In celebration of this very special day, we all acknowledged the influence we have on one another. Every center and our head office was beaming with admiration to the unity we are a part of as members of the WGQ fam! 

Take a look at what this day looked like for us!

This day matters because you matter!

Happy Employee Appreciation Day!


Pink October: 5 Ways Fitness Helps Reduce the Risk!

What is Pink October? You may have heard it quite often around this time of the year. It is the name associating October with breast cancer awareness. October is when efforts are focused on educating, advising, and spreading awareness about breast cancer which encourages early detection and increases chances of catching the condition in its treatable state. Although screening is very important in the efforts to protect oneself, there are additional ways you can reduce the risks and maintain optimal health.

Here are 5 ways fitness helps reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Maintains A Healthy Body Weight

A well regulated workout routine is known for its many positive impacts on one’s well-being as a whole. In this case, exercise plays several key roles in the fight against breast cancer; one of which is reducing and maintaining a healthy body weight. A recent study published by the North Carolina medical journal states that people with heavier than healthy body weight are at a much higher risk than people with a well-maintained body weight. The study included women of all ages with and without breast cancer. Women who exercised and managed a good body weight, especially in their postmenopausal stage, reduced their risk by approximately 30%. This is due to many reasons like the substantial decrease of early detection in women with heavier than healthy body weight. 

Maintains A Healthy Body Weight

A well regulated workout routine is known for its many positive impacts on one’s well-being as a whole. In this case, exercise plays several key roles in the fight against breast cancer; one of which is reducing and maintaining a healthy body weight. A recent study published by the North Carolina medical journal states that people with heavier than healthy body weight are at a much higher risk than people with a well-maintained body weight. The study included women of all ages with and without breast cancer. Women who exercised and managed a good body weight, especially in their postmenopausal stage, reduced their risk by approximately 30%. This is due to many reasons like the substantial decrease of early detection in women with heavier than healthy body weight. 

Makes For a Fitter Immune System

Cancerous cells originate from a mutation in normal cells. In their early stages, most mutations are silently detected and destroyed by your immune system. Essentially, you have a built in protective system to prevent dangerous mutations such as cancerous cells. For this reason, it is crucial to strengthen your immune system as best you can. A study in the clinics in Sports Medicine journal explains that moderate exercise has a positive effect on the functionality of the immune system. This is mostly because exercise improves nourishment and blood circulation which have a direct impact on this system which reduces the risk of breast cancer. 

Makes For a Fitter Immune System

Cancerous cells originate from a mutation in normal cells. In their early stages, most mutations are silently detected and destroyed by your immune system. Essentially, you have a built in protective system to prevent dangerous mutations such as cancerous cells. For this reason, it is crucial to strengthen your immune system as best you can. A study in the clinics in Sports Medicine journal explains that moderate exercise has a positive effect on the functionality of the immune system. This is mostly because exercise improves nourishment and blood circulation which have a direct impact on this system which reduces the risk of breast cancer. 

Regulates Estrogen Levels

As mentioned above, exercise helps reduce one’s body weight which also causes a reduction in estrogen levels. High amounts of the estrogen hormone in the body greatly increases the risk of breast cancer. Since high levels of this hormone are stored in fat cells, a lower body fat percentage will result in a lower estrogen level. In addition, exercising also helps regulate women’s menstrual cycles which in turn regulates levels of estrogen. All in all, working out helps reduce estrogen which reduces the risk of breast cancer. 

Regulates Estrogen Levels

As mentioned above, exercise helps reduce one’s body weight which also causes a reduction in estrogen levels. High amounts of the estrogen hormone in the body greatly increases the risk of breast cancer. Since high levels of this hormone are stored in fat cells, a lower body fat percentage will result in a lower estrogen level. In addition, exercising also helps regulate women’s menstrual cycles which in turn regulates levels of estrogen. All in all, working out helps reduce estrogen which reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Reduces Stress

It is a well known fact that stress causes a lot of negative strains on the body. In general, stress weakens the body in many ways which results in unwanted conditions. According to an article in the journal of the National Cancer Institute, stress actually increases the rate of cancer progression so the less stress management done, the faster cancer will spread. Following a good workout routine will relieve the stress you accumulate during the day and help you stay strong to fight off anything standing in your way! 

Reduces Stress 

It is a well known fact that stress causes a lot of negative strains on the body. In general, stress weakens the body in many ways which results in unwanted conditions. According to an article in the journal of the National Cancer Institute, stress actually increases the rate of cancer progression so the less stress management done, the faster cancer will spread. Following a good workout routine will relieve the stress you accumulate during the day and help you stay strong to fight off anything standing in your way! 

A Positive Booster

We’ve all felt a little happier after a workout session. Fitness actually pushes the body to release happy chemicals from the brain called endorphins. This will leave you feeling much better than when you started your workout. A rush of joy encourages you to maintain a positive attitude in the face of any struggle. 

 A Positive Booster

We’ve all felt a little happier after a workout session. Fitness actually pushes the body to release happy chemicals from the brain called endorphins. This will leave you feeling much better than when you started your workout. A rush of joy encourages you to maintain a positive attitude in the face of any struggle. 

It is never too late to set up a healthy and active routine! If you need a little help to get started, book a free consultation with any of our coaches, and let them guide you towards your first step to a healthier lifestyle!


5 Benefits of Working Out With a Personal Trainer

Why hire a PT? The answer seems fairly obvious: because getting help from an expert is the optimal way to achieve what you want, but so many concerns stand in your way. Are personal trainers only for super serious athletes? Is it a luxury? Is it expensive? Is it worth it? Will it be intimidating?

In all actuality, working on your fitness goals takes a true investment of your time, efforts, thoughts, and finances, and a trainer tailors this investment into the lifestyle you’re looking for. 

In all actuality, working on your fitness Read on and outweigh all your concerns with 5 of the many benefits of working out with a personal trainer.

Educated Progression

When it comes to effective fitness, knowledge is power. While working out with a  personal trainer, they will make sure to show you how to implement moves correctly, perfect your form, and explain what body part every exercise is targeting. They even find alternatives to moves that may cause injuries or make you uncomfortable. They alter your moves and routine for maximum effect and safety. What’s more, is that personal trainers also have the power to educate you enough for you to set long-term goals and follow them completely on your own. Their expertise also comes in handy on a short-term basis when you are looking to train for an end goal like a marathon! 

Educated Progression

When it comes to effective fitness, knowledge is power. While working out with a  personal trainer, they will make sure to show you how to implement moves correctly, perfect your form, and explain what body part every exercise is targeting. They even find alternatives to moves that may cause injuries or make you uncomfortable. They alter your moves and routine for maximum effect and safety. What’s more, is that personal trainers also have the power to educate you enough for you to set long-term goals and follow them completely on your own. Their expertise also comes in handy on a short-term basis when you are looking to train for an end goal like a marathon! 

Personalized Plans

Leading a healthy lifestyle tends to be overwhelming with all the different things to consider. What to eat? What to drink? Cardio, strength, or both? How many sets or reps? How much weight is too much? It’s all very confusing. 

When you hire a personal trainer, you begin with a consultation where you discuss every requirement, desire, and concern you have. This helps them set up a plan that caters to all your personal points, whether nutritional, physical, or both, for maximized results in minimal time and realistic goals. Your personal trainer then holds you accountable to this routine so you completely commit to it and start seeing those results you want!

Personalized Plans

Leading a healthy lifestyle tends to be overwhelming with all the different things to consider. What to eat? What to drink? Cardio, strength, or both? How many sets or reps? How much weight is too much? It’s all very confusing. 

When you hire a personal trainer, you begin with a consultation where you discuss every requirement, desire, and concern you have. This helps them set up a plan that caters to all your personal points, whether nutritional, physical, or both, for maximized results in minimal time and realistic goals. Your personal trainer then holds you accountable to this routine so you completely commit to it and start seeing those results you want!

Level Up With Challenges

Personal trainers spend a lot of their time trying to learn new ways to change up routines. They try out new challenges constantly and discover up-to-date workouts. For this reason, personal trainers are properly equipped to challenge you in ways no one else can. When a personal trainer pushes you to complete a move beyond your expectations, you will surprise even yourself with what you are capable of. 

Level Up With Challenges

Personal trainers spend a lot of their time trying to learn new ways to change up routines. They try out new challenges constantly and discover up-to-date workouts. For this reason, personal trainers are properly equipped to challenge you in ways no one else can. When a personal trainer pushes you to complete a move beyond your expectations, you will surprise even yourself with what you are capable of. 

The Ultimate Booster 

Working out at a gym can be intimidating. You would want to try a new move but are worried about messing it up publicly. Lack of confidence results in a lack of motivation and before you know it, you’re giving up on your fitness journey altogether. A personal trainer serves as your ultimate confidence and motivational booster. They show you the right way to do your moves so you have no doubt in your form as you implement them. A personal trainer points out small progressions you made which you did not notice. When they say: “Remember how much you struggled the first time you tried a deadlift?”, they encourage a sense of pride in you which pushes you forward. When a professional compliments your form and efforts you have to believe them because they know what they’re talking about! 

The Ultimate Booster

Working out at a gym can be intimidating. You would want to try a new move but are worried about messing it up publicly. Lack of confidence results in a lack of motivation and before you know it, you’re giving up on your fitness journey altogether. A personal trainer serves as your ultimate confidence and motivational booster. They show you the right way to do your moves so you have no doubt in your form as you implement them. A personal trainer points out small progressions you made which you did not notice. When they say: “Remember how much you struggled the first time you tried a deadlift?”, they encourage a sense of pride in you which pushes you forward. When a professional compliments your form and efforts you have to believe them because they know what they’re talking about! 

More Than a Workout

Your sessions with a personal trainer are more than just a workout. A personal trainer becomes your support system. He or she prioritizes your well-being and focuses on your mental as well as physical health by giving you exercises that relieve stress while targeting your muscles. They help you create good habits so you can change your lifestyle for the better. A personal trainer shares his or her deepest passion for fitness so it sparkles within you too!  

More Than a Workout

Your sessions with a personal trainer are more than just a workout. A personal trainer becomes your support system. He or she prioritizes your well-being and focuses on your mental as well as physical health by giving you exercises that relieve stress while targeting your muscles. They help you create good habits so you can change your lifestyle for the better. A personal trainer shares his or her deepest passion for fitness so it sparkles within you too!

Meet our coaches and find the PT who fits your needs, goals, and style!


5 Reasons You Should Try Group Classes

We’ve all been there when you’re working through your sets at the gym, and loud music comes blasting from a neighboring room, a group of people comes out looking sweaty and happy, or a friend posts a video on social media of a group of people exercising together. Have you ever wondered what is so special about group classes? 

Here are 5 reasons why you should try group classes

Motivation, Accountability, and Consistency

Group classes form a certain environment providing you with the right components you need to crush your goals. In a group class, you find “strength in numbers” as the saying goes. Motivation is built with the energy you feed off of your classmates. 

Group classes also provoke a sense of accountability in you. When there are people expecting you to show up, you are pushed to show up. The idea that you have somewhere to be, or that there are people who will ask about the reason for your absence, will get you off the couch and on your way to class! 

So, with a motivational environment and a powerful sense of accountability comes greater consistency which will get you to your goals that much faster. 

Motivation, Accountability, and Consistency

Group classes form a certain environment providing you with the right components you need to crush your goals. In a group class, you find “strength in numbers” as the saying goes. Motivation is built with the energy you feed off of your classmates. 

Group classes also provoke a sense of accountability in you. When there are people expecting you to show up, you are pushed to show up. The idea that you have somewhere to be, or that there are people who will ask about the reason for your absence, will get you off the couch and on your way to class! 

So, with a motivational environment and a powerful sense of accountability comes greater consistency which will get you to your goals that much faster. 

A Chance to Try New Things Without Committing

If there is one thing you can depend on group classes for, it’s variety! Group classes consist of a wide range of types like yoga, boxing, fitness, and spinning. Some classes are even a mixture of two or more types and many others open you up to fitness methods you’ve never even considered like our Athletics classes! Group classes introduce you to new possibilities to explore before you choose the types to commit to. 

A Chance to Try New Things Without Committing

If there is one thing you can depend on group classes for, it’s variety! Group classes consist of a wide range of types like yoga, boxing, fitness, and spinning. Some classes are even a mixture of two or more types and many others open you up to fitness methods you’ve never even considered like our Athletics classes! Group classes introduce you to new possibilities to explore before you choose the types to commit to. 

Structure and Proper Form

Instead of setting up a weekly workout plan, organizing a time each day to exercise, or making sure you mix it up often, group classes structure a complete and balanced schedule for you. When you attend a group class, you already have a day and time set aside to work out, and a class always consists of a warm-up, a workout, and a cool down. 

In addition, group classes allow you to learn the correct form of the moves you are doing, and the instructor is there to ensure you are doing them in the safest and most proper way possible.

Structure and Proper Form

Instead of setting up a weekly workout plan, organizing a time each day to exercise, or making sure you mix it up often, group classes structure a complete and balanced schedule for you. When you attend a group class, you already have a day and time set aside to work out, and a class always consists of a warm-up, a workout, and a cool down. 

In addition, group classes allow you to learn the correct form of the moves you are doing, and the instructor is there to ensure you are doing them in the safest and most proper way possible.

The Social Factor

Wouldn’t it be so much easier to meet people if they were all gathered in a room and share one interest? Group classes allow you to spend a few hours a week with other people who understand your love for spinning, are just as clumsy as you are in Zumba, and struggle through poses in yoga. Group classes are where you can get that extra support you are unable to find when you are dancing in your room to an online fitness video! 

The Social Factor

Wouldn’t it be so much easier to meet people if they were all gathered in a room and share one interest? Group classes allow you to spend a few hours a week with other people who understand your love for spinning, are just as clumsy as you are in Zumba, and struggle through poses in yoga. Group classes are where you can get that extra support you are unable to find when you are dancing in your room to an online fitness video! 

It’s Fun!

It is a well known fact that you excel and progress much faster when you love what you do. Group classes foster an energetic and straight up fun environment so you can not resist feeling hyped as you move! 

It’s Fun!

It is a well known fact that you excel and progress much faster when you love what you do. Group classes foster an energetic and straight up fun environment so you can not resist feeling hyped as you move! 

Now, the question is no longer whether or not you should try group classes, but which ones with so many to pick from! Check out our page and learn more about the different classes we offer!


5 Surprising Benefits of the Rower

You walk into your new gym and look around, trying to get to know the machines at your disposal. Your eyes drift to the familiar sites like the treadmill and the elliptical, and you look away from the strength machines. If only there was an all-in-one machine…. Oh wait, there is!

Here are 5 surprising benefits of the rowing machine

Best Of Both Worlds 

Did you know that the rowing machine is actually a 2-for-1 package? This amazing equipment targets both cardio and strength training in one swift go. It works your muscles as it gets your heart pumping fast! 

Best Of Both Worlds

Did you know that the rowing machine is actually a 2-for-1 package? This amazing equipment targets both cardio and strength training in one swift go. It works your muscles as it gets your heart pumping fast! 

A Full Body Workout

A rowing workout might not seem like it works up a good sweat, but in reality this machine shockingly drives 85% of your body muscles. In retrospect, a workout like this tones muscles you didn’t even know you had! 

A Full Body Workout

A rowing workout might not seem like it works up a good sweat, but in reality this machine shockingly drives 85% of your body muscles. In retrospect, a workout like this tones muscles you didn’t even know you had! 

Improves Posture

As mentioned before, the rowing movement targets most muscles, so it’s no surprise that it strengthens all the back muscles. Most importantly, it trains the posterior chain, the shoulder blades, and the core to optimize your balance and attain a better posture! 

Improves Posture

As mentioned before, the rowing movement targets most muscles, so it’s no surprise that it strengthens all the back muscles. Most importantly, it trains the posterior chain, the shoulder blades, and the core to optimize your balance and attain a better posture! 

High Intensity And Low Impact

This combination does not come along too often. A workout that creates an energy with high intensity but also has little to no impact mechanism which decreases the risk of injuries substantially. 

High Intensity And Low Impact

This combination does not come along too often. A workout that creates an energy with high intensity but also has little to no impact mechanism which decreases the risk of injuries substantially. 

A Speedy Recovery 

Rowing stimulates concentric muscle movements which cause the muscle fibers to shorten instead of lengthening. In turn, these movements result in less soreness and therefore a quicker recovery after your workout. 

A Speedy Recovery 

Rowing stimulates concentric muscle movements which cause the muscle fibers to shorten instead of lengthening. In turn, these movements result in less soreness and therefore a quicker recovery after your workout. 

Are you wondering why you haven't given this machine the attention it deserves?
Well, it’s never too late! Try the rowing machine today and let the roaring sound push you through an intense workout!


Bagel Burger by Coach Luigi

You’re craving a burger, but you just did such a great job maintaining your workout routine and eating healthy all week! So, do indulge in a big cheat meal or do you power through your cravings? How about a little of both? 

Coach Luigi shares his delicious recipe of the week, so we can enjoy this meal too!

This week, his choice is a burger, not any burger, a bagel burger made in his special way! 

Check out the recipe below and enjoy this meal!

Meal Prep
Meal Prep

Toast the Bagel

His choice

Toast the Bagel

His choice

Cut the onions and pickles

Cut the onions and pickles

Prepare the lettuce leaves

Prepare the lettuce leaves

Mix the beef and make it into a patty

His choices

Mix the beef and make it into a patty

His choices

Put everything together 

His choices

Put everything together 

His choices


Check out the video on our Youtube channel and subscribe for more recipe videos every Saturday!


A Comeback Story: From Trauma to Trainer

“Strength shows not only in the ability to persist, but in the ability to start over”

A child grows up with endless dreams in mind. When you are young, you perceive the world as a space filled with infinite possibilities. You truly believe that you can be anything and do anything you want to. So, when does this assertive confidence become limited? Life raises barriers in your way, and it’s your choice to cross over them or use them as an excuse to stand still. 

Alex Deslauriers was a kid with a passion for a life in fitness. His youthful ambition made it easy for him to pursue that passion, until one fateful day. Alex fell asleep while driving and got into a devastating accident that threatened his life and all of his dreams. Did it stop him from believing he can achieve what he sets his mind to? 

Alex recounts what happened: 

“I arrived at the hospital at around 5 or 6 am on the 22nd of July, 2016. The doctors gave me a 72 hour window for me to either survive or die because at this point, my brain was unresponsive.  

Fortunately the next day,  they started to see some hopeful brain activity. Within 3 days after that, I was sent to surgery to get my neck fixed because it now lacked the cartilages it needed to hold my head right. They had to fuse the C1, C2, and C3 vertebrae together with two rods and a plate of metal at the base of my skull. This surgery lasted 8 – 10 hours. To this day, I suffer from a constant pain in my neck and restricted head movement which I have learned to live with gracefully. After it was over, I was brought back to the intensive care unit where I stayed for another 3 weeks. My family and friends were only allowed to visit me 15 minutes at a time every hour. During the week that followed my surgery, the doctors began to understand the true extent of my injuries. I had suffered from 3 broken ribs, a punctured lung, and my right lung was filled with blood. These injuries made it very difficult to breathe since I was basically drowning my lungs with my own blood. In addition, I suffered from a broken left clavicle and left humerus, a severe concussion causing temporary paralysis on the right side of my body, internal bleeding in certain areas of my brain, and temporary loss of sight in my left eye. Because of the trauma my lungs had sustained, I had to be intubated 3 times which caused pneumonia and further damage to my vocal cords. 


Coach Alex

I stayed in a coma for 3 weeks, and when I woke up, my journey back had begun. I had to go to rehab where I needed to learn all over again the basic practical knowledge of how to take care of myself such as walking, talking, moving, eating, washing myself, and much more of what made me feel like I was a kid starting in life from scratch. With the right mindset and support around me, I was able to regain control over my body and will myself to stop at nothing before I reach the goals I have set. 

The road to recovery was not an easy one at all. My wounds left me feeling like a broken man, and I can honestly say that it took me over 4 years to grasp my new reality. Now, I love who I am and every broken part of me because it serves as proof to myself and to every person who doubted my ability to recover.”

Today, Alex has overcome his adversity as he progresses everyday towards an astounding comeback. Every step he takes demonstrates his power over his pain. He had the strength to push himself through, and now he uses this strength to push others to be the best that they can be too. 

We are proud to be a part of this coach’s story, as he inspires our community to move forward everyday! 


Cinnamon Tortilla Chips by Coach Luigi

A tasty simple treat to turn up some positivity into that difficult day at work! Indulge in a sweet but easy to make snack. 

Coach Luigi shares his delicious recipe of the week, so we can enjoy this treat too!

This week, his choice is some good cinnamon tortilla chips made in his special way! 

Check out the recipe below and enjoy this treat!

Meal Prep
Meal Prep

Mix the stevia with the cinnamon 50/50

Mix the stevia with the cinnamon 50/50

Add everything on a tortilla greased with a low-fat spray

His choice

Add everything on a tortilla greased with a low-fat spray

His choice

Cut the tortilla in small pieces

Cut the tortilla in small pieces

Let it roast in the air fryer

Let it roast in the air fryer



Check out the video on our Youtube channel and subscribe for more recipe videos every Saturday!


Do You Struggle With Body Image?

When was the last time you looked at yourself in the mirror and said: I ADORE MY BODY!

Our bodies provide us with the means to observe and experience the world around us. Yet we find ourselves scrutinizing it for all its imperfections, not taking enough time to appreciate all the intricacies that make us human. Your body is a machine that never stops working from the moment you are born. 


Do you struggle with body image ?

If yes, check out the video below for advice!


Pita Pizza by Coach Luigi

You’re leaving work and you realize that it’s friday! As you let the TGIF feeling wash over you, you decide to reward yourself with a tasty pizza as you enjoy some much needed rest on your comfortable couch, but what pizza is quick to make, healthy, and so appetizing? Coach Luigi shares his delicious recipe of the week, so we can enjoy this special pizza! 

This week, his choice is a yummy pita pizza meal made in his special way! 

Check out the recipe below and enjoy this creation!

Meal Prep
Meal Prep

Crush the peeled tomatoes by hand

His choice

Crush the peeled tomatoes by hand

His choice

Add basil, oregano, and salt

Add basil, oregano, and salt

Arrange the sauce on the pita bread

His choice

Arrange the sauce on the pita bread

His choice

Add the mozzarella

His choice

Add the mozzarella

His choice

Add the turkey pepperoni

Add the turkey pepperoni

Roast everything in an air fryer

Roast everything in an air fryer



Check out the video on our Youtube channel and subscribe for more recipe videos every Saturday!


Choose Your Language

8-Week Challenge – Trois-Rivières

Choose Your Language

8-Week Challenge – St-Jérôme

Choose Your Language

8-Week Challenge – Sherbrooke

Choose Your Language

8-Week Challenge – Rosemère

Choose Your Language

8-Week Challenge – Neufchâtel

Choose Your Language

8-Week Challenge – Laval

Choose Your Language

8-Week Challenge – Lachenaie

Choose Your Language

8-Week Challenge – L’Acadie

Choose Your Language

8-Week Challenge – Griffintown

Choose Your Language

8-Week Challenge – Dollard-Des Ormeaux

Choose Your Language

8-Week Challenge – Brossard

Choose Your Language

8-Week Challenge – Beauport